International Activities
ASPE is:
I. An active member of
> ELFAC (European Large Families Confederation
> COFACE – Families Europe (,
II. present at several European and International meetings and fora that relate to family and demographic policies, policies for large families, the child, social policies, social entrepreneurship, social housing, energy poverty etc,.
III. is the national coordinator of the European Network of Family Friendly Municipalities for Greece (The network – ELFAC) and has already on-boarded successfully 5 Cities.
To support its research activities, ASPE has set-up the Observatory for Family and Demography (, which is open to funded projects in the areas of interest in cooperation with other research institutes, universities, international organizations, family associations and federations, private entities etc.
ASPE has participated and made an intervention into these European events, indicatively:
1. Safer Internet Forum, 2009, in Luxemburg.
2. European Conference on family issues organized by the Belgian Presidency of the EU, 15-16/10/2010, Brussels.
3. European Demography Forum in Larnaca, Cyprus, 19/2/2011.
4. Citizens Agora on «Crises and Poverties» organized by the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee, 2011 in Brussels.
5. 2nd European Demography Forum by the European Commission, 6-7/5/2013 in Brussels.
6. COFACE event on «Families in crisis», April 24th, 2014, in Athens.
7. European conference on the “Future of Europe”, organized by Economic and Social Committee, Greece, November 2021.
Members of its Executive Committee as well as collaborators of its Observatory have published several academic / research papers in the aforementioned areas.
Open for cooperation: ASPE has registered into the European Commission’s portal for Funding & Tender opportunities with PIC number 888387596 and is open to ideas and proposals for funded projects.
If you are interested, please send us an e-mail at with Subject: Director of Observatory – interest for cooperation.