Other activities of the ASPE
Promoting requests of multi-child parents, making events, etc.
It encourages and cultivates the emulation, the prize each year for children of multi-child parents who stood out in the spiritual arena, and were distinguished in letters and sciences.
It enlightens and informs the greek public (seminars, special issue of hanging-up posters, the book “Atlas Accident, etc.) on how to prevent accidents and reduce deaths, which together with the low-birth is the main cause of shrinkage of the population of our homeland.
It collaborates with the Ministry of Education to which submits reports on the detected flaws and other technical problems of the school buildings and the surrounding areas, which are posing a risk to pupils.
It assists any social effort designed to support miserable families, and develops social action by providing financial assistance and legal protection for multi-child families.
It awards each year figures of literature, who contribute with their studies or articles on the awareness of the public opinion and the state bodies (for changing attitudes to create multi-child families, and taking positive measures, respectively) for the demographic problem.
It awards during special ceremonies honorary prizes to firms that raise and promote the goods they produce or goods, with television ads that contain pictures and texts respecting the language, culture and traditions, and contribute to the creation multi-child concept.
It organizes conferences, workshops, seminars, symposia with the participation of scientists experts, demographers, journalists, etc, from which useful information and draws conclusions on the performance of the objectives.
It takes action with articles of its members, public discussions, proposals, draft laws and amendments to form the institutional framework, particularly in matters of social welfare and support of multi-child families.
It maintains numerous choir composed of children from multi-child families, which participate in national and other festive events.